Apoptosis of hDPSCs after implantation promote the regeneration of dental pulp
(Ai and Bi) Representative microscope images of H&E staining show regeneration of dental pulp in tooth scaffolds. Scale bars, 0.5 mm. (Aii and iii and Bii and iii) Enlarged view of boxed area in (i). Scale bars, 100 μm. (A) Regularly prepared aggregated hDPSCs. (B) Aggregated hDPSCs pretreated with Z-VAD. (C–G) Characterization of hDPSC-apoVs. (C) Representative SEM image of apoVs. Scale bar, 200 nm. (D) Representative TEM image of apoVs. Scale bar, 500 nm. (E) Size distribution of apoVs. (F) Annexin V staining of apoVs. Scale bars, 200 μm. (G) Protein characterization of apoVs. (Hi–Ji) Representative microscope images of H&E staining show regeneration of dental pulp in Z-VAD group, Z-VAD + apoV group, and hDPSC + apoV. Scale bars, 0.5 mm. (Hii and iii–Jii and iii) Enlarged view of boxed area in (i). Scale bars, 100 μm. (H) Aggregated hDPSCs pretreated with Z-VAD. (I) Aggregated hDPSCs pretreated with Z-VAD supplemented with apoVs. (J) Regularly prepared aggregated hDPSCs supplemented with apoVs. (K) Immunofluorescence analysis shows the vessel density of regenerated dental pulp tissue. Scale bars, 200 μm in low-magnification images and 50 μm in high-magnification images; n = 5 per group. Data are presented as mean ± SD. Statistical analyses are performed by one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc test or Welch’s ANOVA with Games-Howell post hoc test. ∗p < 0.05, ∗∗p < 0.01, ∗∗∗p < 0.001; ns, p > 0.05.