Table 3.
Author, year | Country | Number of (offspring) participants in analysis | Neurophysiological domain(s) investigated | Outcome(s) measure or scale | Timing of PAE | Offspring age at assessment | Association between PAE and neurophysiological domain investigated |
Alati et al., 2013 | UK | 7062 | Academic Achievement | Key Stage 2 (KS2) | Alcohol consumption during first trimester, measured at 18 weeks of gestation | 11 years | Academic achievement: No association with daily drinking, but association between consumption of four or more drinks per occasion and lower academic abilities |
Alati et al., 2008 | UK | 4332 | Cognition | IQ – WISC-III | Alcohol consumption during first trimester, measured at 18 weeks of gestation | 8 years | Cognition: no significant association |
Alvik et al., 2013 | Norway | 1138 | Affect regulation | SDQ | Alcohol consumption during 0–6 weeks of pregnancy, measured at 17 weeks | 5.5 years | Affect regulation: binge drinking during the early stages of pregnancy predicted scores in the Abnormal and Borderline range of the SDQ among the cohort of 5.5-year-olds. A binge drinking rate of less than once a week was associated with higher Total Problem scores on the SDQ, and greater than or equal to once a week predicted elevated risk of abnormal or borderline scores for total problems, emotional subscale, and conduct subscale |
Alvik et al., 2011 | Norway | 1330 | Affect regulation | Infant Characteristics Questionnaire:temperament | Alcohol consumption during 0–6, 7–12 and 13 + weeks of pregnancy, measured at 17 weeks | 6 months | Affect regulation: Binge drinking more than once a week during 0–6weeks is associated with a difficult temperament |
D’Souza et al., 2019 | New Zealand | 5768 | Language, Affect Regulation | Comorbidity of language and behavioural difficulties (MB-CDI and SDQ) | Assessed in the 3rd trimester covering the 1st trimester. | 2 years | Language: consumption of one or more drinks per week in the first trimester was associated with reduced likelihood of language difficulties, relative to those who abstained. Affect regulation: no significant association |
Donald et al., 2019 | South Africa | 734 | Motor skills, Cognition, Language | BSID-III subscale | Recruited at 28–32 weeks gestation, alcohol consumption assessed covering the whole pregnancy | 2 years | Motor skills: No significant association Cognition: No significant association Language: significant positive association with receptive language deficits |
Faebo Larsen et al., 2013 | Denmark | 33,354 | Motor skills | DCDQ’07 | 16 weeks gestation covering the first trimester | 7 years | Motor skills: No association between PAE and developmental co-ordination disorder |
Falgreen Eriksen et al., 2012 | Denmark | 1628 | Cognition | IQ (WPPSI-R) | 17 weeks gestation covering ‘early pregnancy’ | 5 years | Cognition: PAE of greater than or equal to nine drinks per week in early pregnancy increased risk of low full-scale and verbal IQ. No differences were observed when mothers reported consuming 1–4 standard drinks or 5–8 standard drinks per week relative to those who abstained |
Halliday et al., 2017 | Australia | 554 | Motor Skills, cognition, language, affect regulation, (adaptive behaviour, social skills or communication) | BSID-III subscale Brief Infant Toddler Social Emotional Assessment – Competence scale |
19, 26 weeks gestation, following birth. Exposure categories Trimester 1 (pre-pregnancy awareness), Trimester 2 (post-awareness), Trimester 2 and Trimester 3 | 2 years | Motor skills: No significant association Cognition: protective effect of low levels of drinking on improved cognition, but this difference was accounted for by moderating variables Language: no association with language deficits Affect regulation: found that early binge drinking with continued low level alcohol consumption over the duration of the pregnancy was associated with lower sensation avoidance scores in offspring at age 2 Adaptive behaviour, social skills or communication: no significant associations with social competencies |
Hutchinson et al., 2019 | Australia | 1324 | Motor skills, cognition | BISD-III | Trimester one (weeks 0–6), trimester one (weeks 7-12), trimester two, trimester three | 12 months | Motor skills: no significant association Cognition: no significant association |
Kesmodel, Bertrand, et al., 2012 | Denmark | 1628 | Cognition, Attention, Executive function | WPPSI-R, TEACh-5, BRIEF | 17 weeks gestation covering early to mid-pregnancy | 5 years | Cognition: no significant association Attention: no significant association Executive function: no significant association |
Kesmodel, Eriksen, et al., 2012 | Denmark | 1617 | Cognition | WPPSI-R | 17 weeks gestation covering early to mid-pregnancy | 5 years | Cognition: no significant difference in IQ between the children of mothers who reported binge drinking and mothers with no binge episodes, however, they did find that binge drinking during gestational weeks 1–2 was associated with reduced risk of low full-scale IQ compared to those unexposed to binge drinking |
Kilburn et al., 2015 | Denmark | 1628 | Executive Function | CRT and Information processing time | 17 weeks gestation covering early pregnancy | 60–64 months | Executive function: no significant effect on reaction time or information processing |
McCormack et al., 2018 | Australia | 1331 | Cognition | BSID-III | Trimester one (weeks 0–6), trimester one (weeks 7–12), trimester two, trimester three | 12 months | Cognition: low level consumption of alcohol during the second and third trimester was associated with slightly higher cognitive scores, relative to mothers who abstained |
Negrao et al., 2020 | Brazil | 1006 | Motor skills, Cognition | BSID-III subscale | A few days after birth of the child covering the whole pregnancy | 2 years | Motor: found an association between concomitant use of alcohol and tobacco and fine motor skills, but not for gross motor skill or for alcohol consumption alone. Children whose mothers’ used alcohol and tobacco concomitantly during pregnancy were at increased risk for motor delays in fine motor skills, but not in gross motor delay Cognition: no significant association |
Niclasen, Andersen, et al., 2014 | Denmark | 37,315 | Affect Regulation | SDQ | Weeks 16 and 30 gestation, and 6 months postpartum. | 7 years | Affect regulation: association between affect regulation and exposure to binge episodes only in male children. Exposure to binge episodes was associated with an increased change in mean for externalising behaviours compared to children whose mothers reported no binge episodes and internalising behaviours – although the effect was not significant at four or more binge episodes |
Niclasen, Nybo Andersen, et al., 2014 (Teasdale) | Denmark | 37,315 | Attention, Affect Regulation, (Adaptive behaviour, social skills, or communication) | SDQ subscale(s) | Weeks 16 and 30 gestation, and 6 months postpartum. | 7 years | Attention: no association with hyperactivity Affect regulation: significant association between binge drinking and externalising scores in early pregnancy and late pregnancy Adaptive behaviour, social skills or communication: there was a significant increased risk of abnormal or borderline scores on the peer problems scale for children not exposed to alcohol compared to children to a cumulative 15–45 drinks over the pregnancy), no association for other amounts of alcohol exposure |
O’Callaghan et al., 2007 | Australia | 5139 | Cognition, Academic achievement, attention | Raven progressive matrices WART-R; learning difficulties CBCL subscale |
20 weeks gestation, days after delivery covering early and late pregnancy | 14 years | Cognition: significant association between binge drinking and IQ. No significant association between alcohol exposure in early pregnancy and IQ, however, there was a higher prevalence of children with poor Raven's scores in children exposed to binge drinking and children exposed to alcohol in late pregnancy. The adjusted model found that there was an increased risk for low IQ for children whose mother reported engaging in binge drinking compared to those that reported no binge episodes Academic achievement: no association with low scores on the WRAT-R Attention: no significant association |
Robinson et al., 2010 | Australia | 1860 | Affect Regulation | CBCL | Assessed 18 and 34 weeks – covering the whole pregnancy | 2, 5, 8, 10 and 14 years | Affect regulation: light to moderate levels of drinking in early pregnancy was associated with a reduced likelihood of scores above the clinical cut-off on the CBCL in children aged between 2 and 14 years compared to unexposed children on the externalising, internalising, and total behaviour |
Rodriguez et al., 2009 | Denmark, Finland | 21,678 | Attention | SDQ subscale or Rutter Scale subscale | Between 12- and 32-weeks gestation covering the whole pregnancy | 15 years | Attention: no significant association with hyperactivity/inattention |
Sayal et al., 2013 | UK | 10,558 | Academic Achievement, Affect regulation | KS2 | 18 weeks gestation covering the first trimester | 11 years | Academic achievement: no significant associations Affect Regulation: no significant associations |
Sayal et al., 2014 | UK | 7965 | Academic Achievement, Attention, Affect regulation | KS2 SDQ subscale |
18- and 32-weeks gestation covering the first trimester | 10–11 years | Academic achievement: drinking 4 + drinks per occasion was significantly associated with lower KS2 scores Attention: significant association for girls at age 11 on the parent rated SDQ hyperactivity/inattention subscale and binge drinking. Further analyses separating the effects of daily drinking and binge drinking found significant effects for the exposure category 4 + drinks but not daily drinking and the parent rated SDQ subscale for girls and the teacher rated SDQ subscale for the whole sample. Affect regulation: binge pattern of alcohol consumption was associated with elevated conduct problem scores among girls (age 11) compared to the children of mothers who reported no binge episodes, as well for total problems. There was no significant association in male children or for daily non-binge drinking patterns. |
Sayal et al., 2009 | UK | 8240 | Cognition Attention Affect regulation |
18- and 32- weeks gestation covering the first trimester | 47 months | Cognition: no association with IQ score Attention: 4 plus drinks a day were significantly associated with higher scores (more problematic) on the hyperactivity/inattention subscale of the SDQ. Affect regulation: binge patterns of alcohol consumption during the second and third trimester was associated with poorer scores on both the conduct and total problems scale of the SDQ among girls at 47 months compared to children not exposed to binge drinking. Elevated scores on the conduct problems subscale and total problems were apparent across the whole sample during the 81-month data collection window. |
Sayal et al., 2007 | UK | 47 months (N = 9086), 81 months (N = 8046), 93 and 108 months (N = 5648) | Affect regulation | SDQ |
18 weeks gestation covering the first trimester | 47, 81, 93, 108 months |
Affect Regulation: alcohol intake at less than one drink per week was associated with poor total problems scores at 47 months, 81 months, and 93-108 months among girls. Teacher rated conduct score were also elevated in this exposure category for the whole sample at 93–108 months. However, the association between PAE and total problems scores was not significant for one or more drinks per week or for male children. |
Schoeps et al., 2018 | New Zealand | 6156 | Affect regulation | Infant Behaviour Questionnaire (IBQ-R VSF); SDQ | Last trimester covering the first and last trimester | 9 months and 2 years | Affect regulation: four or more drinks per week was associated with children with higher total difficulties. |
Skogerbo et al., 2013 | Denmark | 1628 | Affect Regulation | SDQ | 17 weeks covering early pregnancy | 5 years | Affect Regulation: no significant associations |
Skogerbo et al., 2012 | Denmark | 1628 | Executive function | Parent rated BRIEF | 17 weeks covering early pregnancy | 5 years | Executive function: significant associations between binge drinking in gestational week 9 or later and elevated parent ratings on the behaviour regulation index and teacher rated metacognition index |
Underbjerg et al., 2012 | Denmark | 1628 | Attention | TEACh-5 | 17 weeks covering early pregnancy | 5 years | Attention: significant association between consumption of 9 or more drinks per week and low overall attention score, no associations between binge drinking and attention |
Weile et al., 2020 | Denmark | 48,072 | Attention | ADHD diagnosis | 11 weeks gestation covering early pregnancy | Up to 19 years of age | Attention: no significant associations with ADHD diagnosis |
Zuccolo et al., 2013 | UK | 4061 – 8 years 6268 – 11 years |
Cognition, academic achievement | WISC, KS2 | 18 weeks gestation covering the first trimester | Age 8 and 11 | Cognition: no significant association Academic achievement: no significant association |