High-fat diet disrupted the hepatic and adipose circadian rhythm in gestational mice. Mice were fed with a standard chow diet or a high-fat diet prior to pregnancy for 5 weeks, and throughout pregnancy. The morning of vaginal plug confirmed the pregnancy and was considered E0.5. On E18.5, the mice were killed at 4-h intervals over 24 h. Rhythmic pattern of circadian clock genes in the (A) liver and (B) WAT. The dots mark individual measurements in each zeitgeber time (ZT), and line represents cosinor regression fit. Rhythmic pattern of genes with significant differences in phase (#), amplitude (*), or MESOR (+) derived from CircaCompare (n = 2–3/time point). Ctr, standard chow diet-fed pregnant mice; HF, high-fat diet-fed pregnant mice; WAT, white adipose tissue.