(A) Open-field locomotion performance assessed by BMS of
Rph3a+/− and
Rph3a−/− mice. Animals were scored
on day post lesion (DPL) −3, 3, 7, 28, 42, 56, 70 and 84 by two
experienced observers blinded of group. Data are mean ± SEM for n = 17
Rph3a+/− and n = 12
Rph3a−/−. *p = 0.039,
repeated-measure ANOVA for group effect across last two time points (F = 4.71,
dF = 1), and *p < 0.05 (F = 4.40, dF = 1 and F = 4.635, dF = 1),
significant difference between indicated pairs by one-way ANOVA.
(B) Weight bearing of Rph3a+/− and
Rph3a−/− mice on DPL 84. Data
report weight bearing status of mice in each group. n = 17
Rph3a+/− and n = 12
Rph3a−/−. Fisher’s Exact
contingency test, *p = 0.038.