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. 2022 Oct 12;24(2):285–306. doi: 10.1007/s10561-022-10039-z

Table 1.

Devices used for PRP preparation (Gentile et al. 2010, 2017, 2020; Alves and Grimalt 2018)

S. No Device Company Blood Collected Anti-coagulant Platelet Activator Description
1 Angel® Arthrex, Inc. Corporate Naples, Florida, USA Syringe 40–180 mL Acid citrate dextrose 10% (v/v) calcium gluconate It is a closed technique, using software and programmed centrifugation to isolate PRP with a wide range of platelet concentrations from 3 to 18X compared to naïve plasma
2 Cascade® or Selphyl® Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation, Edison, New Jersey, USA Tube 9 mL Sodium citrate CaCl2 Pellet of activated PRP is prepared after centrifuging 18 ml of blood (9 ml in each tube) at 1100 g for 10 min
4 C-Punt® Biomed Device, Modena MO, Italy Syringe 60 mL Sodium citrate CaCl2 A volume of 9 ml of PRP was harvested after centrifugation at 1200 rpm for 10 min
5 i-Stem® Preparation System i-Stem, Biostems, Co., LTD., Seoul, Korea Tube 20 mL Sodium citrate CaCl2 After first centrifuging at 3000 rpm for 6 min, 1 ml of PPP and 2 ml of RBCs are removed. Suspension is again centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 3 min to obtain 15 ml of A-PRP
6 MAG-18® DTS MG Co., Ltd., Seoul, Korea Tube 19 mL Sodium citrate CaCl2 The sample is collected and centrifuged twice, firstly at 3000 rpm for 6 min and secondly at 3400 rpm for 2 min to harvest 1.5 mL of PRP
8 Regenlab® EnBudron b2, 1052 Le Mont-sur-Lausanne, Swiss 40 mL Sodium citrate Thrombin Blood is collected in five ATS (autologous thrombin serum) Regen tubes (8 mL each). All tubes are centrifuged at 1500 g for 15 min at room temperature using the universal centrifuge (Regen Lab PRP-Centrig)
9 PRGF Endoret® Biotechnology Institute (BTI) Tube 9 mL sodium citrate CaCl2 Sample is centrifuged at 270 g for 7 min