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. 2022 Oct 12:1–33. Online ahead of print. doi: 10.1007/s13384-022-00575-8

Table 9.

Extent of registered vs. non-registered ECTs’ agreement to recommendation 5 in AITSL’s review, and options for its implementation

Registered Non-registered
n = 364 n = 36
M (SD) M (SD)
I would like all ECTs in Australia who work with children in the birth—5 years age group register under a consistent national system with primary and secondary school teachers 3.86 (1.15) 3.67 (1.12)
Instead of introducing a national system of teacher registration for ECTs working with children in the birth—5 years age group, I would like government funding to be used to provide ECTs with ongoing access to quality professional development and men 3.88 (1.12) 4.14 (1.08)
aI would like a national system of registration for ECTs introduced that provides ECTs with funding to access quality professional development and mentors to support ECTs’ transition from provisional to proficient 4.28 (0.80) 4.61 (0.77)
OPTION 1: The system is developed and overseen by ACECQA, is only for ECTs who work with children in the birth-five age group (not teachers who work with primary or school aged children), and is integrated into the NQF’s Assessment 2.81 (1.25) 2.86 (1.33)
OPTION 2: The system is developed and overseen by ACECQA, is only for ECTs who work with children in the birth-five group (not teachers who work with primary or school aged children), and is separate to the NQF, with ECTs required to adhere to professional teaching standards that are specific to teachers who work with children in the birth-5 years age group 2.79 (1.21) 3.14 (1.20)
OPTION 3: The system is developed and overseen by Early Childhood Australia, is only for ECTs who work with children in the birth-five age group (not teachers who work with primary or school aged children), with ECTs required to adhere to professional teaching standards that are specific to teachers employed to work with children in the birth-5 years age group 3.09 (1.28) 3.42 (1.18)
bOPTION 4: The system is developed and overseen by AITSL for all teachers (i.e. early childhood, primary and school teachers) with revised professional teaching standards that reflect the expertise, roles and responsibilities of ECTs who work with children in the birth-5 years age group 3.59 (1.20) 3.17 (1.11)
OPTION 5: The system is developed and overseen by AITSL and ACECQA, for all teachers (i.e. early childhood, primary and school teachers) with revised professional teaching standards that reflect the expertise, roles and responsibilities of ECTs who work with children in the birth-5 years age group 3.62 (1.25) 3.72 (1.16)
OPTION 6: The system is developed and overseen by AITSL for all teachers (i.e. early childhood, primary and school teachers) but with separate professional teaching standards i.e. separate standards for teachers working with children in the birth-5 years age group and teachers working with school aged children 3.26 (1.19) 3.28 (1.09)
bOPTION 7: The system is developed and overseen by AITSL and ACECQA, for all teachers (i.e. early childhood, primary and school teachers) but with separate professional teaching standards i.e. separate standards for teachers working with children in the birth-5 years age group and teachers working with school aged children 3.17 (1.23) 3.64 (1.18)

All items were rated on a 5-point scale from 1: Strongly disagree, 2: Disagree, 3: Neither agree nor disagree, 4: Agree, 5: Strongly agree

aThere was a significant multivariate difference in registered vs. unregistered ECTs’ agreement to recommendation 5 from AITSL’s review, Pillai’s Trace = .02, F(3, 401) = 2.78, ηp2 = .02, p = .041. This was due to non-registered ECTs’ greater endorsement of the third item, F(1, 403) = 5.57, ηp2 = .01, p = .019

bThere was a significant multivariate difference in registered vs. unregistered ECTs’ agreement across the 7 options for implementation of AITSL’s recommendation 5, Pillai’s Trace = .04, F(7, 392) = 2.14, ηp2 = .04, p = .039. This was due to registered ECTs’ greater endorsement of Option 4, F(1, 398) = 4.01, ηp2 = .01, p = .046, and non-registered ECTs’ greater endorsement of Option 7, F(1, 398) = 7.11, ηp2 = .01, p = .036