Fig. 5.
In vitro digestion studies of Tol ILs in MCF (Type IIIA) (37°C, mean = ± SD, n = 3); tolfenamic acid (blue diamond), Tol Dec (red circle), Tol Dec Ala (green square), and Tol Dec Phe (purple square). The dashed line represents the target (100% solubilised) concentration of tolfenamic acid for each formulation. Differences in the solubility of tolfenamic acid and the different Tol ILs dictated that the drug loading of Tol ILs in MCF was different in each case and therefore the target concentrations were different in each case. Concentrations are shown during dispersion (-15 – 0 min; grey section), and digestion (0 – 60 min) of the lipolysis study