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. 2022 Oct 12;63:29. doi: 10.1186/s40529-022-00355-8

Table 2.

Heavy metal content (mg/kg) and pH of soil samples collected in the investigated ultramafic sites from the Southern Carpathians

Site name Plant association Elevation (m) Ultramafic rock type pH Fe Cd Cu Ni Zn Cr Pb Co Mn Mg
Mehedinți Mts.
Ciolanu Mare PA 1130 ser 7.3 137.0 3.0 32.6 1564.7 59.9 330.9 26.8 103.5 821.7 56.0
Ciolanu Mic PA 1025 ser 6.5 275.0 3.3 21.7 1511.3 51.3 426.7 9.7 110.6 855.6 72.9
Obârșia Cloșani AsA 471 ser 6.1 193.0 2.9 21.9 1538.2 43.9 335.2 11.4 100.3 913.8 43.9
Giurgieni—Valea Coșutei AsA 567 ser 6.5 325.0 3.5 19.9 1538.9 41.2 507.1 8.1 103.8 1115.6 30.4
Rudina AsA 405 ser 6.4 275.0 3.3 21.7 1511.3 51.3 426.7 9.7 110.6 855.6 58.7
Cozia Mts.
Pereții Gradului SP 1520 ser 5.3 141.0 2.2 26.8 1373.0 44.1 331.0 29.7 98.7 765.2 47.3
Ciuha Mică SP 1546 ser 4.8 198.0 2.7 22.7 1389.6 26.8 354.8 8.8 97.5 744.1 45.2
Ciuha Mare SP 1589 ser 4.1 210.0 3.1 19.7 1435.7 39.1 345.2 10.7 101.8 874.1 35.1
Retezat Mts.
Vf. Poienii MP 432 per 5.1 625.0 4.9 15.3 10.6 51.1 20.7 29.7 10.2 228.7 60.8
Vf. Poienii MP 410 per 4.4 537.0 4.2 15.4 13.7 58.4 19.5 33.9 9.8 261.7 43.6
Vf. Poienii MP 400 per 4.3 525.0 4.5 16.5 14.5 50.9 21.9 20.2 9.7 226.6 35.8
Vf. Poienii MP 385 per 4.8 181.0 5.3 15.4 9.5 67.1 21.1 41.4 11.4 306.7 18.2

ser, serpentinites; per, peridotites; PA, Plantago serpentinae–Armerietum halleri; AsA, Asplenio serpentini–Achnatheretum calamagrostis; SP, Sileno saxifragae–Plantaginetum holostei; MP Minuartio frutescentis–Plantaginetum holostei