Fibrinogen depletion reduces microglial activation in the diabetic murine
retina. (A) Confocal images of IBA1+ microglia from 10-week
nondiabetic and diabetic LPS-treated CX3CR1-WT and CX3CR1-KO mice show
activated microglia with less ramification in comparison to highly
ramified microglia with small soma in the naïve retina. Depletion of
fibrinogen with ancrod shifts activated microglia towards increased
ramification, similar to naïve microglia. (B) Quantification of
microglial cell numbers indicates increased proliferation in the
diabetic LPS-treated retina relative to the naïve CX3CR1-WT and
CX3CR1-KO retina. Each point represents data from an individual mouse.
(C) Morphometric analysis of IBA1+ microglia in the retinas
of CX3CR1-WT and CX3CR1-KO mice by transformation index (TI) calculation
reveals ramified microglia with higher TI values in the naïve and
ancrod-treated diabetic retinas, and increasingly activated microglia
with lower TI values in the nondiabetic and diabetic LPS-treated
retinas, respectively. Each point represents the TI per individual cell.
n = 5–9 mice per group. * P <0.05, ** P
<0.01, *** P <0.001, **** P <0.0001. Scale bars:
25 µm.