Figure 2.
EMT by age, smoking status, and gender. (A) Dot chart shows the marker of epithelial subpopulations, including AT1(AGER, CLIC5), AT2(SFTPC, SFTPD), Ciliated (FOXJ1, CCDC78), Goblet cells (MUC5B, MUC5AC), EMT(TAGLN, COL3A1). (B) Comparison of the ratios of HC, COVID-19, IPF subpopulations of epithelium. EMT proportion was significantly upregulated in COVID-19 and IPF. (C) Forest plot of studies with EMT ratio on the COVID-19 and HC, after excluding a study with only one case and a high heterogeneity study. The analysis included data from 3 studies with a total of 48 COVID-19 and 34 controls. p value for heterogeneity was 0.06, I2 was 65%. (SD, Standard deviation). (D) Comparison of the ratios of HC, COVID-19, IPF subpopulations of epithelium by age. (E) GO (Gene ontology) enrichment analysis was performed on the genes highly expressed in EMT in normal control, COVID-19 and IPF groups in patients of different ages, respectively, and the graphs show the signaling pathways enriched to EMT cell populations in different groups. (F) Comparison of the ratios of HC, COVID-19, IPF subpopulations of epithelium by smoking. (G) GO enrichment analysis was performed to enrich for genes that were highly expressed in EMT of smoking and non-smoking patients in normal control, COVID-19 and IPF groups, respectively, and the graphs show the signaling pathways enriched in EMT cell populations of different groups. (H) Comparison of the ratios of HC, COVID-19, IPF subpopulations of epithelium by sex. (I) GO enrichment analysis of the genes highly expressed in EMT in normal control, COVID-19 and IPF groups by sex, respectively. (J) Correlation analysis of EMT with myofibroblast, rest fibroblast and proliferative fibroblast in COVID-19 and IPF patients (Pearson test), showing EMT is positively correlated with myofibroblasts.