Figure 3 –
Urinary excretion pharmacokinetics of selected metabolites. Most phenolic acid, flavonol, and anthocyanin metabolites demonstrated a dose-response relationship and were maximally excreted within 12h of dosing (exemplified by syringic acid (A) and malvidin-3-O-galactoside (B)), while others had similar levels of excretion at both the 0–12h and 12–24h urine collections (e.g., ferulic acid (C) and delphinidin sulfate (D)). Hippuric acid (E), one of the last metabolites formed in colonic metabolism, exhibited maximal excretion during the 12–24h urine collection and appeared to have saturated absorption at the medium dose. Data shown as mean ± SEM. Bsln 1 = Baseline 0–12h; Bsln 2 = Baseline 12–24h.