Figure 6.
Example of early glaucoma detection by using our model to predict retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness distribution on the retinal fundus image from the right eye of a 50-year-old female patient with low-grade myopia (axial length = 24.2 mm, spherical equivalent = −2.25 diopters). A, The conventional retinal fundus photography showed no visible RNFL defect. B, No scotoma was identified by using the 24-2 visual field test. C, The OCT thickness map automatically generated by the model showed a high probability of RNFL thinning in the superotemporal retina region (red color labeled area). D, Although the macular ganglion cell analysis revealed no abnormality, the thickness map from the wide-field swept-source OCT examination showed a wedge-shaped dark-blue area indicating RNFL thinning (black arrows). In addition, the OCT superpixel map revealed an arcuate pattern of contiguous abnormal yellow/red pixels over the corresponding macula area. The lesion identified by the OCT scan was highly correlated with the results generated by the model. E, Circumpapillary RNFL thickness analysis confirmed a borderline superotemporal RNFL thinning. GCL = ganglion cell layer.