Physiological response to acute intermittent hypoxia and impact of bosentan. Data are from n = 12 men unless noted (baroreflex sensitivity and T50, n = 9). Two-way repeated-measures ANOVA testing the main effect of IH (pre, post) and drug (control, bosentan) and the interaction of IH and drug (normality: Shapiro–Wilk, equal variance: Brown–Forsythe). Pairwise multiple comparison (Holm–Sidak). *P < 0.05 main effect of IH. †P < 0.05 main effect of drug. IH, intermittent hypoxia. A: plasma endothelin-1. B: mean blood pressure. C: cardiac output. D: total peripheral resistance. E: MSNA burst frequency. F: arterial baroreflex sensitivity. G: T50.