Figure 3. Effects of different experts’ ground truth on convolutional neural network (CNN) performance.
(A) Comparison between the CNN and Butterworth filter using thresholds that optimized F1 per session (22 recordings sessions from 10 mice). Note that this optimization process can only be implemented when the ground truth (GT) is known. (B) A subset of data annotated independently by two experts was used to evaluate the ability of each method to identify events beyond the individual ground truth. The original expert provided data for training and validation of the CNN. The new expert tagged events independently in a subset of sessions (14 sessions from seven mice). The performance of CNN, but not that of the filter, was significantly better when confronted with the consolidated ground truth (one-way ANOVA for the type of ground truth for CNN32 F(2)=0.01, p=0.0128 and CNN12 F(2)=0.01, p=0.0257). Significant effect of methods when applied to the consolidated ground truth (one-way ANOVA F(2)=0.02, p=0.0331; rightmost); post hoc tests **, p<0.01; ***, p<0.005. CNN models and the filter were applied at mean best performance threshold. (C) Performance obtained from the experts’ ground truth when acting as a mutual classifier (n=14 sessions). Note that this provides an estimation of the maximal performance level. (D) We used the hc-11 dataset (Grosmark and Buzsáki, 2016) at the CRCNS public repository ( to further evaluate the effect of the definition of the ground truth and to test for the CNN generalization capability. The data consisted in 10-channel high-density recordings from the CA1 region of freely moving rats. We randomly selected 8-channels to cope with inputs dimension of our CNN, which was not retrained. The dataset comes with annotated sharp-wave ripple (SWR) events (dark shadow) defined by stringent criteria (coincidence of both population synchrony and SWR). CNN False Positives defined by this partially annotated ground truth were re-reviewed and validated (light shadow). (E) Performance of the original CNN, without retraining, at both temporal resolutions over the originally annotated (dark colors) and after False Positives validation (light colors). Performance of the Butterworth filter is also shown. Paired t-test at *, p<0.05; **, p<0.001; ***, p<0.001. Data from five sessions, two rats. See Supplementary file 1.