Images of the right eye of a 55-year-old man with central serous chorioretinopathy Axial length is 26.44 mm, and spherical equivalent is –5.375 diopters. A, Color fundus photograph revealing serous retinal detachment (SRD) involving the fovea. B, Horizontal B-scan OCT image through the fovea showing SRD with dilated choroidal vessels (asterisks). The subfoveal choroidal thickness is 227 μm. C, Cross-sectional image of the sclera at the superior point showed with anterior-segment (AS) OCT. The scleral thickness is 363 μm. D, Cross-sectional image of the sclera at the inferior point showed with AS OCT. The scleral thickness is 415 μm. The mean value of scleral thicknesses at 4 directions is 390 μm. E, En face OCT image of 12 × 9 mm showing vortex veins in the outer choroid. The superior and inferior vortex veins demonstrate symmetric patterns, and the horizontal watershed zone passes through the fovea (white dashed line). This eye was classified in the symmetry group. F, Fluorescein angiogram within a 30 × 30 range revealing diffuse leakage in the macular region. G, Indocyanine green angiogram within a 55 × 55 range in the late phase revealing typical choroidal vascular hyperpermeability (red arrow).