Associations of urinary PAH metabolites with pubertal tempo, California PAH Study, 2011–2020
Pubertal tempo | ||
All girls N=133 |
BMI percentile <85 a
N=113 |
β and 95% CI b,c | β and 95% CI b,c | |
Urinary PAH metabolites (high vs. low) d | ||
1-NAP | 1.90 (−2.35 – 6.15) | 2.26 (−2.36 – 6.88) |
1-NAP e | 1.10 (−3.84 – 6.05) | −0.40 (−5.73 – 4.93) |
2-NAP | 1.05 (−3.59 – 5.70) | 0.78 (−4.36 – 5.91) |
2&3-FLU | 0.09 (−4.08 – 4.26) | 0.71 (−3.71 – 5.13) |
1-PHEN | 1.54 (−2.80 – 5.88) | 1.61 (−2.96 – 6.18) |
2&3-PHEN | 3.13 (−0.96 – 7.22) | 2.22 (−2.10 – 6.55) |
4-PHEN | 1.52 (−2.63 – 5.68) | 1.33 (−3.03 – 5.69) |
∑PHEN f | 2.17 (−2.06 – 6.39) | 1.47 (−3.03 – 5.98) |
1-PYR | −0.20 (−4.36 – 3.95) | −0.02 (−4.37 – 4.34) |
∑PAH g | 0.37 (−4.14 – 4.88) | −0.13 (−5.11 – 4.85) |
Abbreviations: 1-NAP, 1-hydroxy naphthalene; 2-NAP, 2-hydroxy naphthalene; 2&3-FLU, 2- and 3-hydroxy fluorene; 1-PHEN, 1-hydroxy phenanthrene; 2&3-PHEN, 2- and 3-hydroxy phenanthrene; 4-PHEN, 4-hydroxy phenanthrene; 1-PYR, 1-hydroxypyrene; ∑PHEN, sum of 1-PHEN, 2&3-PHEN, and 4-PHEN; ∑PAH, sum of all metabolites except 1-NAP; BMI, body mass index; CI, confidence interval; PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
20 girls had a BMI percentile of ≥85, no associations are presented.
β estimated from linear regression models, where the tempo in months is the dependent variable and can be interpreted as the difference (months) between high vs low PAH metabolite concentrations. Models were adjusted for age at baseline urine collection (continuous), race–ethnicity (non-Hispanic White, African American, Asian American, Hispanic, mixed race–ethnicity), and mother’s education (some college or less, college degree, graduate degree, unknown). None of the β was statistically significant.
A positive β indicates a longer interval for girls with high PAH metabolite concentration (i.e., slower pubertal tempo).
High (≥ median) vs. low (< median) PAH metabolite concentration. Median concentrations were determined among all girls combined (N=358), corrected for specific gravity (SG) and including imputed values for those below the level of detection (LOD).
Excludes 35 girls with a 1-NAP to 2-NAP ratio > 2 indicative of carbaryl exposure. Due to small numbers. race–ethnicity was categorized as non-Hispanic White vs. all other.