Panels A–D depict associations between 3DIs and unintentional traumatic injury when the object skeletal muscle relaxant of interest was cyclobenzaprine, tizanidine, baclofen, and methocarbamol, respectively. Semi-Bayes shrinkage prespecified a variance of 0.25, assuming that 95% of true rate ratios would fall within an unspecified 7-fold range of each other. The x-axis is the log base 2 of the semi-Bayes shrunk adjusted rate ratio (RR) comparing skeletal muscle relaxant + co-dispensed drug of base-pair + candidate interacting precipitant vs. skeletal muscle relaxant + co-dispensed drug of base-pair. The value of the X represents the magnitude of the RR, whereas the value of Y represents the level of statistical significance. Data points in the upper right quadrant represent statistically significant elevated rate ratios for the association between skeletal muscle relaxant + co-dispensed drug of base-pair + candidate interacting precipitant (vs. skeletal muscle relaxant + co-dispensed drug of base-pair) and injury (i.e., putative 3DI signals).