Fig. 1. Sucrose intake modulates macronutrient metabolism and storage.
a Longitudinal effects of sucrose intake on total body mass, fat mass, and lean mass as determined by linear mixed effects models with likelihood ratio tests. 20-week (10 weeks treatment) data were log-transformed and compared by two-way ANOVA with post hoc Tukey’s test (fat and lean mass) or Scheirer–Ray–Hare test and post-hoc Wilcoxon Rank Sum test with continuity correction (body weight; MC: n = 15, MS: n = 18, FC: n = 19, FS: n = 13; see figure for p-values). b Caloric intake from food was reduced in the sucrose groups as determined by Scheirer–Ray–Hare test and post hoc Dunn analysis with Benjamini and Hochberg correction for multiple comparisons (MC: n = 8, MS: n = 11, FC: n = 7, FS: n = 13; see figure for p-values). c 24-h energy expenditure, ambulatory activity, cumulative food intake, lipid oxidation, and carbohydrate oxidation were all also modified by sucrose intake as determined by linear mixed effects models with likelihood ratio tests (MC: n = 7, MS: n = 14, FC: n = 12, FS: n = 9; see figure for p-values). Data displayed are the group means ± standard error with biologically independent values overlayed. MC = Male Control, MS = Male Sucrose, FC = Female Control, FS = Female Sucrose. Source data are provided in the source data file.