Fig. 5. Composition of the circulating bile acid pool is influenced by both sex and sucrose intake.
a Primary and b secondary conjugated and unconjugated bile acids in serum from male and female mice following chronic sucrose intake show sexual dimorphism as determined by two-way ANOVA with post hoc Tukey’s test (or Scheirer–Ray–Hare test and post-hoc Wilcoxon Rank Sum test with continuity correction for DCA, which demonstrated a non-parametric distribution). TαMCA/TβMCA: combined tauro-α-muricholic acid/tauro-β-muricholic acid (MC: n = 8, MS: n = 9, FC: n = 10, FS: n = 9), TωMCA: tauro-ω-mecholic acid (MC: n = 8, MS: n = 9, FC: n = 10, FS: n = 9), TCA taurocholic acid (MC: n = 8, MS: n = 9, FC: n = 10, FS: n = 9), CA cholic acid (MC: n = 8, MS: n = 9, FC: n = 10, FS: n = 9), αMCA α-muricholic acid (MC: n = 3, MS: n = 5, FC: n = 6, FS: n = 8), βMCA: β-muricholic acid (MC: n = 6, MS: n = 6, FC: n = 10, FS: n = 8), TDCA: tauro-deoxycholic acid (MC: n = 8, MS: n = 9, FC: n = 10, FS: n = 9), TUDCA/THDCA: combined tauro-ursodeoxycholic acid/tauro-hyodeoxycholic acid (MC: n = 8, MS: n = 9, FC: n = 9, FS: n = 9), UDCA: ursodeoxycholic acid (MC: n = 1, MS: n = 0, FC: n = 10, FS: n = 9), DCA deoxycholic acid (MC: n = 8, MS: n = 9, FC: n = 9 FS: n = 9). Data displayed are the group means ± standard error with biologically independent values overlayed (see figure for p-values). Source data are provided in the source data file.