Figure 2.
SMUG1 interacts with proteins involved in RNA metabolism and gene transcription. (A) Schematic representation of the workflow used for determining the SMUG1 interacting proteins in connection with analysis of TCGA expression data. (B) Proximity Ligation Assay (PLA) showing Flag-tagged SMUG1 (red) and SFPQ, MATR3, DNA Ligase I, NPM1 and RPLP0 (green) interaction in MCF7 cells. Scale bars, 1 μm. (C) Top 30 hubs of the SMUG1-PPI network, based on global metric, betweenness centrality. Color shades represent the significance of the hub, with red color as the most significant and yellow color as the least. (D) Functional enrichment analysis of SMUG1-PPI Network based on GO-Biological Processes (P < 0.05).