The effect of AIE on neurexin-neuroligin 3 interactions after a 26-day forced abstinence period. We found that AIE did not change neurexin or neuroligin 3 expression following a 26-day forced abstinence period (see supplemental data). (A) Representative images of neurexin (green) and neuroligin 3 (magenta) in the ACC, mPFC (IL and PL), LO-OFC, and VO-OFC. Scale bar, 2 µm. (B) Quantification of neurexin and neuroligin 3 co-localization. There was a significant decrease in neurexin-neuroligin 3 co-localization in the ACC (p = 0.0184) and the VO-OFC (p = 0.0635). Data presented as box and whisker plots with interquartile range with mean, minimum, and maximum measures indicated along with individual data points. Three 5 µm image stacks from randomly selected hemispheres were captured from 3 separate brain slices per animal (n = 9–10 brains/treatment group). Analysis: two-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc comparison.