Graphs demonstrating full-field stimulus testing (FST) results show subjective light sensitivity improvements recorded with sepofarsen treatment in a cohort of 5 participants with light perception vision. A, Dark-adapted chromatic FST thresholds at 2 baseline visits for the control and study eyes. Normal dark-adapted cone threshold (NCone) and normal dark-adapted rod thresholds for blue stimuli (NRod-B) are shown for reference. B, Change in FST thresholds from mean baseline value at 3 months. Test–retest variability limits estimated from all baseline data are shown (dashed lines). Study eyes of patients P1 and P2 received the 160-μg dose, whereas patients P6, P9, and P10 received the 320-μg dose. In all panels, each cluster of points shows individual FST thresholds with blue (squares) and red (circles) stimuli. Boxplots (colored blue and red for respective stimuli) show the extreme of the lower and upper whisker, lower and upper hinge, and median.