A–E, Examples of (A) a fundus photograph, (B) a retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness map, (C) RNFL clock hours, and optic nerve head (ONH) and RNFL surface shape structure in a patient with a low coefficient (0) of pattern 10 plotted in (D) 2-dimensional (2-D) and (E) 3-dimensional (3-D) graphs. F, Corresponding pattern deviation plot from the 24-2 Humphrey visual field of this patient. G–K, Examples of (G) a fundus photograph, (H) an RNFL thickness map, (I) RNFL clock hours, and ONH and RNFL surface shape structure in a patient with myopia and a low coefficient (0) of pattern 10 plotted in (J) 2-D and (K) 3-D maps. L, Corresponding pattern deviation plot from the 24-2 Humphrey visual field of this patient. This patient also showed a low coefficient (0.1) of pattern 6, which corresponds to the ONH tilted up toward the nasal direction.