Q1a. What was your role in the screening? |
I was the primary person in charge of the screening (e.g., classroom teacher)
I provided a supporting role
Q1b. If you provided a supporting role, please describe. |
Q2a. How well prepared did you feel to facilitate the screening for your students? |
Very prepared
Somewhat prepared
Not prepared
Q2b. If you selected “somewhat prepared” or “not prepared,” what additional supports would have been useful? |
Q3. Which issues or challenges did you or your students encounter? (Select all that apply) |
Technical issues such as freezing, no audio, poor audio quality, crashing
Confusion from parents
Difficulty getting students to complete the screener when assigned
No issues or challenges
Q4. What did you like about the screening? |
Q5. What did you not like about the screening? |
Q6. Please provide any additional comments you feel would be useful for the research team to know about the screening process. |