A) Rate of balanced inversions discovered with each added genome differs from SV insertions and deletions (orange lines, right axis). Dotted lines fit logarithmic model growth. Singleton: 1 allele; polymorphic: AF < 50%; major: AF ≥ 50% (but less than 100%), putative misorient: AF = 100%. B) Inversion recurrence detection: (i) tiSNPs based, (ii) Haplotype based approach. Venn diagram depicts overlap by approach for 127 tested inversions. C–E) Evidence for single (C, 17q21) and recurrent (D, 8p23.1 [distal part chr8:8225000-8301024]; E, 11p11) loci. Left: dendrograms (centroid hierarchical clustering method) show relationships among inverted and direct-oriented haplotypes. Ancestral (blue) vs. derived (orange) SNPs, informative tiSNPs (black) and SNPs with ≥75% mappability (purple) are shown. Middle: haplotype-based principal component (PC) analysis. Right: inferred cladograms of the loci of interest. Blue dots, putative inversion events.