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. 2022 Oct 14;20:446. doi: 10.1186/s12951-022-01641-0

Table 2.

sEV protein biomarkers for PDAC diagnosis/prognosis

Biomarkers Sources Patient numbers Discoveries and diagnostic performance Ref.
GPC-1 Plasma N = 27 High GPC-1 in sEVs may be able to determine PDAC tumor size and disease burden. AUC of 0.59 was achieved for PDAC detection. [99]
MIF Plasma N = 40 MIF was highly expressed in sEVs from PDAC patients (PDAC patients without liver metastasis vs. healthy controls P < 0.01) [83]
EpCAM Plasma N = 19 PDAC patients had a high level of EpCAM in sEVs, and the level changed during palliative chemotherapy treatment [100]
EphA2 Plasma N = 49 EphA2 in sEVs could distinguish pancreatic cancer patients from pancreatitis patients and healthy subjects with AUC of 0.93–0.96 [101]
KRASmut, P53mut Plasma Stage I n = 16 Mutant proteins KRASmut and/or P53mut were detected in 15 of the 16 early stage PDAC patients [102]
EGFR, CA19-9 Plasma N = 5 More abundant of EGFR (5 fold) and CA19-9 (15 fold) enriched sEVs in PDAC patients than healthy donors [103]
EGFR, EpCAM, MUC1, GPC1, WNT2 Plasma N = 22 The five-marker signature yielded a more accurate diagnosis of PDAC than CA19-9 and a single sEV biomarker with sensitivity of 86% (CI, 65 to 97%) and a specificity of 81% (CI, 58 to 95%) in prospective cohort [95]
GPC-1, CD63 Plasma, serum N = 20 Twenty PDAC patient samples could be distinguished from 11 healthy subjects with 99% sensitivity and 82% specificity [104]
GPC-1, EpCAM, CD44V6 Plasma N = 9 The PDAC EV signature of the three protein biomarkers could be used for PDAC diagnosis with AUC of 1.000 (95% CI: 84.6–100%) and showed strong correlation with cancer stages [105]
GPC-1 Serum N = 190 GPC-1 in sEVs showed higher level in PDAC patients than healthy donors with P < 0.0001 [96, 106, 107]
c-Met Serum N = 55 Diagnostic test based on c-Met in sEVs resulted in a sensitivity of 70%, a specificity of 85% [108]
CKAP4 Serum N = 47 The CKAP4 levels in sEVs were higher in patients with PDAC than healthy control individuals [109]
ANXA6 Serum N = 108 ANXA6 level in sEVs could be used to diagnose PDAC patients with AUC of 0.979 and improved sensitivity and specificity [110]
ZIP4 Serum N = 24 The level of ZIP4 in sEVs showed promising diagnostic efficacy between PDAC and control group with AUC of 0.893 [97]
ADAM8 Serum N = 5 ADAM8 in EVs from PDAC patients or precursor lesions had significantly higher expression when compared to healthy individuals with P < 0.0001or P = 0.0139, respectively [64]
CD41, CD61, CD63 Serum N = 39 The levels of CD41, CD61 and CD63 in sEVs increased in PDAC patients then healthy donors with AUC of 0.678, 0.652 and 0.846, respectively [111]
CD44v6, C1QBP Serum N = 142 Highly expressed CD44v6 and C1QBP in sEVs were promising biomarkers for predicting prognosis and liver metastasis in patients with PDAC [112]
LRG-1, GPC-1 Serum N = 15 Combination of LRG-1 and GPC-1 positive sEVs could improve the diagnostic accuracy of PDAC with AUC of 0.95, even for the early stage PDAC. [113]
Integrin α6 Blood N/A The expression of Integrin α6 in sEVs from blood of PDAC patients significantly decreased after surgery and increased several months before clinical recurrence [114]
Mucin-4, Mucin-5AC, Mucin-6, Mucin-16, etc. Pancreatic duct fluid N = 4 Unique proteins were detected exclusively in sEVs from Pancreatic duct fluid by mass spectroscopy (MS) [115]
Combination of 35 proteins Pancreatic duct fluid N = 13 Pancreatic duct fluid proteins were potential biomarkers of patients with different pancreatic diagnoses [116]