Distribution of transcripts enriched in invasive trophoblast cells at the rat UPI. (A) Dot plots for gd 15.5 (Left) and 19.5 (Right) showing expression levels of invasive trophoblast cell enriched transcripts. Dot size and color represents the average percentage of cells expressing the transcript and the average level of expression, respectively. (B) Schematic depicting a gd 19.5 placentation site and a section through the central region of a gd 19.5 placentation site. Distribution of invasive trophoblast cells was determined by in situ hybridization of Prl7b1 transcripts. (Scale bar: 1,000 μm.) (C) Localization of invasive trophoblast cell enriched transcripts [Nppb, Plac1 (LOC102550080), Fstl3, Igf2, Tfpi; red] within the gd 19.5 placentation site. Transcripts were detected using in situ hybridization and colocalized to the distribution of Prl7b1 (green). (Scale bars Left and Middle: 1,000 μm; Right: 100 μm.) For abbreviations, see Fig. 1 legend.