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. 2022 Oct 14;17(10):e0275879. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0275879

Table 2. Distribution of maternal, pregnancy and birth characteristics in types of postpartum hemorrhage (PPH >500ml); singleton births, ≥22 weeks of gestation.

    All types Retained placenta Atony Trauma or laceration Placental abruption Placenta previa Dystocia Undefined bleeding cause
    (n) % (n) % (n) % (n) % (n) % (n) % (n) % (n) %
Maternal age (years) <20 9332 3.0 863 2.4 2523 3.4 1054 3.7 106 2.9 13 0.5 801 2.1 3972 3.0
20–24 55452 17.7 5711 16.0 14388 19.6 6045 21.1 576 16.0 136 5.4 5829 15.5 22767 17.4
25–29 103710 33.2 11198 31.4 25115 34.3 10641 37.1 1098 30.5 513 20.2 13315 35.4 41830 31.9
30–34 92251 29.5 11223 31.5 20744 28.3 7685 26.8 1086 30.2 922 36.4 11806 31.4 38785 29.6
35–39 42678 13.7 5494 15.4 8802 12.0 2807 9.8 578 16.1 746 29.3 4914 13.1 19337 14.7
40–44 8595 2.8 1112 3.1 1621 2.2 414 1.4 148 4.1 200 7.9 884 2.4 4216 3.2
≥45 510 0.2 63 0.2 91 0.1 27 0.1 6 0.2 12 0.5 48 0.1 263 0.2
Parity 0 157617 50.4 16033 45.0 34849 47.6 18661 65.1 1290 35.9 739 29.1 28690 76.3 57355 43.7
1 99371 31.8 12316 34.5 24554 33.5 7485 26.1 1217 33.8 1032 40.6 6838 18.2 45929 35.0
2 38856 12.4 5204 14.6 9792 13.4 1931 6.7 668 18.6 469 18.5 1511 4.0 19281 14.7
3 10994 3.5 1421 4.0 2731 3.7 416 1.5 240 6.7 203 8.0 372 1.0 5611 4.3
4 3983 1.3 463 1.3 928 1.3 140 0.5 128 3.6 71 2.8 135 0.4 2118 1.6
≥5 1707 0.5 227 0.6 430 0.6 40 0.1 55 1.5 28 1.1 51 0.1 876 0.7
Year of delivery 1967–1969 9042 2.9 779 2.2 2268 3.1 430 1.5 155 4.3 36 1.4 182 0.5 5192 4.0
1970–1979 24384 7.8 2718 7.6 6836 9.3 1701 5.9 318 8.8 61 2.4 853 2.3 11897 9.1
1980–1989 25760 8.2 3510 9.8 8007 10.9 3108 10.8 384 10.7 99 3.9 2157 5.7 8495 6.5
1990–1999 40825 13.1 4990 14.0 11430 15.6 4559 15.9 543 15.1 230 9.0 4669 12.4 14404 11.0
2000–2009 96120 30.8 12294 34.5 22990 31.4 7858 27.4 1179 32.8 1003 39.5 12572 33.4 38224 29.1
2010–2017 116397 37.2 11373 31.9 21753 29.7 11017 38.4 1019 28.3 1113 43.8 17164 45.7 52958 40.4
Previous 1st trimester spontaneous abortion a No 177174 80.4 19011 76.8 37367 80.5 16185 83.6 1759 76.5 1570 72.5 25314 82.5 75968 80.3
Yes 43142 19.6 5737 23.2 9046 19.5 3181 16.4 539 23.5 597 27.5 5362 17.5 18680 19.7
1st trimester bleeding No 303194 97.0 33940 95.2 71180 97.1 28130 98.1 3473 96.5 2386 93.9 36477 97.0 127608 97.3
Yes 9334 3.0 1724 4.8 2104 2.9 543 1.9 125 3.5 156 6.1 1120 3.0 3562 2.7
Previous cesarean section No 279188 89.3 32597 91.4 68194 93.1 25881 90.3 3119 86.7 2050 80.6 33216 88.3 114131 87.0
Yes 33340 10.7 3067 8.6 5090 6.9 2792 9.7 479 13.3 492 19.4 4381 11.7 17039 13.0
Preeclampsia No 299179 95.7 34182 95.8 70433 96.1 27615 96.3 3310 92.0 2502 98.4 35943 95.6 125194 95.4
Yes 13349 4.3 1482 4.2 2851 3.9 1058 3.7 288 8.0 40 1.6 1654 4.4 5976 4.6
Smoking in start of pregnancy a No 165227 89.1 18531 86.7 36750 89.6 15846 91.1 1491 79.1 158 43.3 23531 90.3 68920 89.2
Occasionally 2880 1.6 333 1.6 604 1.5 258 1.5 52 2.8 28 7.7 405 1.6 1200 1.6
Yes 17275 9.3 2509 11.7 3680 9.0 1288 7.4 341 18.1 179 49.0 2117 8.1 7161 9.3
Gestational or pregestational diabetes mellitus No 302981 96.9 34768 97.5 71523 97.6 28001 97.7 3510 97.6 2459 96.7 36002 95.8 126718 96.6
Yes 9547 3.1 896 2.5 1761 2.4 672 2.3 88 2.4 83 3.3 1595 4.2 4452 3.4
Start of delivery Spontaneous 216838 69.4 26006 72.9 54963 75.0 22129 77.2 1946 54.1 624 24.5 26318 70.0 84852 64.7
Induction 66721 21.3 7342 20.6 15513 21.2 6337 22.1 815 22.7 148 5.8 11279 30.0 25287 19.3
Cesarean section 28969 9.3 2316 6.5 2808 3.8 207 0.7 837 23.3 1770 69.6 0 0.0 21031 16.0
Birthweight (grams) <4000 222509 71.2 26665 74.8 49843 68.0 19593 68.3 3327 92.5 2404 94.6 23258 61.9 97419 74.3
4000–4499 68414 21.9 6928 19.4 17788 24.3 6956 24.3 222 6.2 118 4.6 10539 28.0 25863 19.7
4500–4999 18621 6.0 1803 5.1 4911 6.7 1851 6.5 41 1.1 18 0.7 3245 8.6 6752 5.1
≥5000 2984 1.0 268 0.8 742 1.0 273 1.0 8 0.2 2 0.1 555 1.5 1136 0.9
Fetal sex b Girl 154394 49.4 19241 54.0 37118 50.7 14021 48.9 1601 44.5 1184 46.6 16634 44.2 64595 49.2
Boy 158114 50.6 16414 46.0 36163 49.3 14652 51.1 1997 55.5 1358 53.4 20962 55.8 66568 50.8
Cesarean section (irrespective of start) No 237468 76.0 30622 85.9 65379 89.2 27751 96.8 1176 32.7 119 4.7 20995 55.8 91426 69.7
Yes 75060 24.0 5042 14.1 7905 10.8 922 3.2 2422 67.3 2423 95.3 16602 44.2 39744 30.3
Vacuum delivery No 275186 88.1 32333 90.7 66115 90.2 23458 81.8 3494 97.1 2537 99.8 22347 59.4 124902 95.2
Yes 37342 11.9 3331 9.3 7169 9.8 5215 18.2 104 2.9 5 0.2 15250 40.6 6268 4.8
Forceps delivery No 302559 96.8 34869 97.8 71598 97.7 26663 93.0 3547 98.6 2536 99.8 33700 89.6 129646 98.8
Yes 9969 3.2 795 2.2 1686 2.3 2010 7.0 51 1.4 6 0.2 3897 10.4 1524 1.2
Shoulder dystocia No 307711 98.5 35177 98.6 72058 98.3 27989 97.6 3586 99.7 2540 99.9 36558 97.2 129803 99.0
Yes 4817 1.5 487 1.4 1226 1.7 684 2.4 12 0.3 2 0.1 1039 2.8 1367 1.0
Episiotomy c No 171611 77.9 19634 79.3 35045 75.5 13164 68.0 2218 96.5 2149 99.2 19842 64.7 79559 84.1
Yes 48705 22.1 5114 20.7 11368 24.5 6202 32.0 80 3.5 18 0.8 10834 35.3 15089 15.9
Epidural anasthesia No 217383 69.6 26376 74.0 54188 73.9 19013 66.3 3101 86.2 2268 89.2 13166 35.0 99271 75.7
Yes 95145 30.4 9288 26.0 19096 26.1 9660 33.7 497 13.8 274 10.8 24431 65.0 31899 24.3
Placenta defined as normal c No 54383 24.7 18208 73.6 10490 22.6 3003 15.5 1050 45.7 714 32.9 6677 21.8 14241 15.0
Yes 165933 75.3 6540 26.4 35923 77.4 16363 84.5 1248 54.3 1453 67.1 23999 78.2 80407 85.0
Velamentous umbilical cord incertion c No 215432 97.8 23625 95.5 45476 98.0 19002 98.1 2205 96.0 2052 94.7 30159 98.3 92913 98.2
Yes 4884 2.2 1123 4.5 937 2.0 364 1.9 93 4.0 115 5.3 517 1.7 1735 1.8
Marginal umbilical cord incertion c No 206851 93.9 23027 93.0 43267 93.2 18090 93.4 2093 91.1 1949 89.9 28818 93.9 89607 94.7
Yes 13465 6.1 1721 7.0 3146 6.8 1276 6.6 205 8.9 218 10.1 1858 6.1 5041 5.3

Incidences according to maternal, pregnancy and birth characteristics are given in Table 3.

a 1999–2017, smoking status available in 163731 deliveries with PPH.

b 18 newborns with unknown sex.

c 1999–2017.