RT-qPCR analyses indicating HG-induced downregulation of (A) miR-9 transcript, (B, C, D) ECM transcripts (FN, Col4a1, Col1a1) and (E) FN protein expression in HCMECs. Similar glucose induced effects were also seen regarding proinflammatory markers (F), IL-1 β, (G) IL-6, and H) NF-kB1. Such glucose-induced increases of these ECM were prevented following (B-H) miR-9 mimic transfection Luciferase reporter assay demonstrated the interaction between miR-9 and FN(I). (mRNA expressed as a ratio to β-actin; *p < 0.05, compared to Scr HG; Scr = scrambled mimic; NG = 5 mM D-glucose; HG = 25 mM D-glucose; M = 25 mM mannitol; Vwt = wild pMIR vector; Vmut = mutant pMIR vector; n = 6).