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. 2021 Aug 17;108(11):e361–e363. doi: 10.1093/bjs/znab280

Table 1.

Factors associated with willingness to try non-operative management of appendicitis

Overall Not willing to try non-operative management Willing to try non-operative management P
(n = 1257) (n = 212) (n = 1045)
Risk of treatment failure (%) 0.001
 10 92 10 (11) 82 (89)
 15 85 11 (13) 74 (87)
 20 86 17 (10) 69 (80)
 30 95 16 (17) 79 (83)
 40 93 20 (22) 73 (78)
 50 88 18 (20) 70 (80)
 60 92 23 (25) 69 (75)
 10 (6–14) 89 7 (8) 82 (92)
 15 (11–19) 94 10 (11) 84 (89)
 20 (16–24) 88 7 (8) 81 (92)
 30 (26–34) 85 11 (13) 74 (87)
 40 (36–44) 93 18 (19) 75 (81)
 50 (46–54) 87 19 (22) 68 (78)
 60 (56–64) 90 25 (28) 65 (72)
Age (years)* 37.37(12.38) 37.46(12.53) 37.36(12.35) 0.910
Sex 0.001
 F 752 150 (19.9) 602 (80.1)
 M 501 62 (12.4) 439 (87.6)
 Prefer not to say 4 0 (0) 4 (100)
Gender identity 0.028
 Woman 735 147 (20.0) 588 (80.0)
 Man 498 63 (12.7) 435 (87.3)
 Genderqueer/gender non-conforming 11 2 (18) 9 (82)
 Trans male/trans man 5 0 (0) 5 (100)
 Prefer not to say 4 0 (0) 4 (100)
 Trans female/trans woman 2 0 (0) 2 (100)
 Different identity 2 0 (0) 2 (100)
Racial identity 0.748
 Black 125 24 (19.2) 101 (80.8)
 East Asian 75 11 (15) 64 (85)
 Multiple identities 56 12 (21) 44 (79)
 Other Specified Identity 29 7 (24) 22 (76)
 South Asian 43 7 (16) 36 (84)
 Unknown 12 1 (8) 11 (92)
 White 917 150 (16.4) 767 (83.6)
Ethnicity 0.212
 Hispanic/Latino/Latinx 105 24 (22.9) 81 (77.1)
 Non-Hispanic/Latino/Latinx 1095 181 (16.5) 914 (83.5)
 Prefer not to say 27 2 (7) 25 (93)
 Prefer to write it down 30 5 (17) 25 (83)
Education level 0.369
 Some high school 4 1 (25) 3 (75)
 High school/GED 112 14 (12.5) 98 (87.5)
 Some college 268 55 (20.5) 213 (79.5)
 2-year college degree 134 24 (17.9) 110 (82.1)
 4-year college degree 499 76 (15.2) 423 (84.8)
 Graduate degree 235 42 (17.9) 193 (82.1)
 Unknown 5 0 (0) 5 (100)
Insurance 0.726
 Employer-provided 649 111 (17.1) 538 (82.9)
 Private 179 36 (20.1) 143 (79.9)
 Other government 48 6 (12) 42 (88)
 Medicaid 131 21 (16.0) 110 (84.0)
 Medicare 96 17 (18) 79 (82)
 Not insured 124 18 (14.5) 106 (85.5)
 Other 30 3 (10) 27 (90)
Employment status 0.881
 Employed full-time (≥ 40 h/week) 661 107 (16.2) 554 (83.8)
 Employed part-time (< 40 h/week) 144 21 (14.6) 123 (85.4)
 Self-employed 124 22 (17.7) 102 (82.3)
 Retired 59 12 (20) 47 (80)
 Student 80 17 (21) 63 (79)
 Unemployed (looking for work) 97 17 (17) 80 (83)
 Unemployed (not looking for work) 80 13 (16) 67 (84)
 Prefer not to say 12 3 (25) 9 (75)
Annual household income(euros) 0.446
 < 21 076 176 27 (15.3) 149 (84.7)
 21 077–42 150 326 60 (18.4) 266 (81.6)
 42 151–63 224 248 45 (18.1) 203 (81.9)
 63 225–84 299 203 39 (19.2) 164 (80.8)
 >84 299 262 34 (13.0) 228 (87.0)
 Prefer not to say 42 7 (17) 35 (83)
Perceived information accuracy* 3.40(0.98) 3.01(1.10) 3.48(0.94) < 0.001
Trust in information given*§ 3.42(1.00) 2.87(1.09) 3.53(0.94) < 0.001

Values in parentheses are percentages unless indicated otherwise; *values are mean(s.d.). Range. Scale from 1 to 5, with 5 being highest perceived accuracy. §Scale from 1 to 5, with 5 being greatest trust. GED = General Educational Development Test, t-test for continuous variables and chi-squared test for categorical variables test.