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. 2022 Sep 30;19(19):12477. doi: 10.3390/ijerph191912477

Table 2.

Self-reported knowledge about contaminated nutritional supplements (NSs) and dietary supplement third-party testing (% and N) for the total group, professionals working or not working with Olympic athletes, and sports dietitians vs. other professions.

Working with Olympic Athletes Profession
Questions Total Yes No p-Value Sports Dietitian Other Profession p-Value
No. (type of scale) % (N) % (N) % (N) % (N) % (N)
1 (L) Contaminated NSs have no small effect or positive effect at all. 35 (111) 41 (59) 39 (52) 0.033 36 (26) 25 (85) 0.005
2 (L) Use of contaminated NSs can lead to a positive doping test. 68 (216) 81 (116) 57 (100) <0.001 88 (52) 63 (164) 0.003
3 (Y/N) Are you familiar with NSs of which ingredients are listed on the WADA doping list? 44 (141) 55 (79) 35 (62) <0.001 66 (39) 39 (102) <0.001
4 (Y/N) Are you familiar with the NZVT system? 47 (151) 69 (99) 30 (52) <0.001 88 (52) 38 (99) <0.001
5 (Y/N) Products listed on the NZVT list are not tested on efficacy. * 61 (89) 67 (66) 47 (23) 0.017 78 (40) 51 (49) 0.007
6 (Y/N) Only products with the NZVT logo on the label are always tested. * 53 (78) 44 (43) 47 (23) 0.295 61 (31) 49 (47) 0.106
7 (Y/N) The absence of the NZVT logo on the label indicates that only certain batches of the NSs are tested. * 43 (63) 46 (45) 37 (18) 0.290 59 (30) 34 (33) 0.155
8 (Y/N) The NZVT system does provide a 99% guarantee that tested NSs are free from doping substances. * 72 (106) 74 (72) 69 (34) 0.604 88 (45) 64 (61) 0.111

Significant differences are indicated in bold. Questions 1–4 are based on the total population (n = 601, with n = 80–85 missing answers). Questions 5–8 were answered by 259 of those that answered Y (n = 370) on question 4, which asked if they were familiar with the NZVT system. L = Likert scale; Y/N = Yes/No. Asterisks indicate that results are based on questions that were asked only when participants answered to be familiar with the NZVT system (N = 147). Significant differences are expressed in bold font.