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. 2022 Sep 30;19(19):12510. doi: 10.3390/ijerph191912510

Table 1.

Q samples.

No. Statement
1 I feel helpless because cancer is a disease that is beyond my control.
2 I feel flustered when I cannot control my emotions, leading me to have sudden feelings of depression and anxiety.
3 I always feel exhausted from lack of sleep due to continual worry about having breast cancer.
4 I feel lonely and isolated.
5 I am angry because I feel it is unfair that I got breast cancer.
6 Not knowing when I will die fills me with fear.
7 I feel pathetic when I see myself trying so hard not to feel anxious.
8 I feel helpless because I cannot plan for my future.
9 I feel like I am suffering from severe pain due to chemotherapy.
10 I feel doubtful about whether I will ever be cancer-free.
11 I feel a sense of loss about losing my breasts after undergoing mastectomy surgery.
12 I am afraid my partner will treat me differently regarding our sex life.
13 It is uncomfortable for me to go to public places like saunas.
14 I find it difficult to accept how I look due to hair loss.
15 I feel that I have lost my feminine identity.
16 I fear my nails falling off and my skin discolouring during treatment.
17 My family cannot understand my suffering.
18 I am worried that I will burden my family.
19 I am worried about not being able to fulfil my role and responsibilities at home during treatment.
20 I feel easily hurt when people around me try to console me with superficial greetings.
21 I am afraid that my breast cancer might be genetic.
22 I feel drained when people who had the same experience overwhelm me with excessive emotional expression and information.
23 I feel that my family and colleagues do not care when they still expect me to fulfil my roles and responsibilities.
24 I have resentment because I feel I got breast cancer due to continual stress from my family and work.
25 I do not want people to gossip about me being a breast cancer patient.
26 I am worried about chemotherapy treatment because of its possible side effects that can lead to other illnesses.
27 I feel that the immense amount of examinations I undergo at the hospital is burdensome and a hassle.
28 I am afraid that my breast cancer might spread or that I might have complications.
29 I am afraid that my breast cancer might return.
30 I feel that it is difficult to find a reliable surgeon.
31 It makes me sad when I think about the possibility of a day when I will have to accept that I will die because my breast cancer returned and I ran out of treatment options.
32 I feel degraded when medical professionals treat me without empathy, as if our relationship is strictly business.
33 I am frustrated because it is difficult to understand what the medical professionals say regarding my treatment process and the resultant symptoms.
34 It is difficult to accept that I no longer have a normal life.
35 I am worried that my coworkers will judge me and lower their expectations concerning my work ability because of my cancer.
36 I am worried that I might no longer be able to work.
37 I feel like everything I have built throughout my life has become meaningless.
38 I feel burdened about having to care more about my health.
39 I feel that treatment is too expensive.
40 I think that I will eventually have to end my career.