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. 2022 Oct 9;45:108662. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2022.108662

Table 8.

Level of teacher support for online learning by grade.

95% Confidence Interval for Mean
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum
Grade 6 1069 3.7825 .81342 .02488 3.7337 3.8313 1 5
Grade 7 1563 3.7910 .82684 .02091 3.7500 3.8320 1 5
Grade 8 1398 3.7400 .80596 .02156 3.6978 3.7823 1 5
Grade 9 1297 3.6960 .75069 .02084 3.6551 3.7369 1 5
Total 5327 3.7528 .80133 .01098 3.7313 3.7743 1 5

Test of Homogeneity of Variances
Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
Teacher support for online learning Based on Mean 1.809 3 5323 .143

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 7.632 3 2.544 3.968 .008
Within Groups 3412.320 5323 .641
Total 3419.951 5326

Robust Tests of Equality of Means
Statistica df1 df2 Sig.
Welch 4.154 3 2862.605 .006

a. Asymptotically F distributed.