Figure 1.
Dynamic DAC experimental setup with fast 2D X-ray diffraction at the extreme conditions beamline P02.2 at PETRA III. (a) Two GaAs LAMBDA photon counting X-ray detectors are positioned on either side of the X-ray beam, where each detector collects a portion of the diffracted Debye–Scherrer rings. (b) Schematic of the piezo-driven dynamic DAC showing how the X-rays pass through the middle of the piezo actuator to interact with the sample that is contained in a gasket between the two diamond anvils (inset zoomed into the sample compartment). (c) Typical pressure–time profile obtained from a ramp compression experiment with the drive voltage is also shown. (d) 2D raw diffraction patterns from four solid phases of Pr obtained on the compression portion of the ramp, where the most intense reflections from the high-pressure Pr phases are indicated with the arrows.