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. 2022 Oct 15;12:17305. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-22299-6

Table 2.

Distribution of responses to questions related to religious beliefs in the Mexican American Cultural Values Scale (MACVS). Percentages are out of n = 5566 participants.

Mexican American Cultural Values Scale (MACV): Religious beliefs
N (%)
Not at all A little Somewhat Very much Completely
One's belief in God gives inner strength and meaning to life 662 (11.89) 463 (8.32) 946 (17.00) 1397 (25.10) 2097 (37.68)
God is first; family is second 1849 (33.22) 518 (9.31) 808 (14.52) 857 (15.40) 1533 (27.54)
Parents should teach their children how to pray 1048 (18.83) 667 (11.98) 779 (14.00) 1149 (20.64) 1922 (34.53)
If everything is taken away, one still has their faith in God 988 (17.75) 582 (10.46) 656 (11.79) 1135 (20.39) 32,204 (9.60)
It is important to thank God every day for all one has 1085 (19.49) 556 (9.99) 633 (11.37) 1014 (18.22) 2277 (40.91)
It is important to follow the word of God 1215 (21.83) 583 (10.47) 867 (15.58) 1152 (20.70) 1748 (31.40)
Religion should be an important part of one’s life 1150 (20.66) 708 (12.72) 1088 (19.55) 1152 (20.70) 1467 (26.36)
Missing data 1 (0.02)