Collagen type I/XI matrices inhibit early FAK, p38 and Akt activation in CAFs. (A) Western blotting study of proteins extracted from CAFs seeded on a matrix of fibrillar collagen type I or a mix of both fibrillar collagen type I and XI at a ratio of 3:1 at different time points. CAFs were starved overnight before their interaction with collagens. Phosphorylation of FAK, Akt and MAPKs has been analyzed. Phosphorylated FAK (B), phosphorylated p38 (C), phosphorylated Akt (D), phosphorylated ERK (E) and phosphorylated JNK (F) band intensity were quantified by densitometry analysis and normalized to their respective total protein and β-actin. Statistics were performed using Mann–Whitney test (mean ± SD). n.s.; not significant.