Table 2.
Radiological parameters and their characterization.
Radiological Indices and Doses | Labeling | Unit | Characteristic |
Gamma activity concentration index | Iγ | - | estimation of the gamma radiation hazard associated with the radionuclides inside of the building materials, calculated from activity concentration measurements of the material |
Alpha index | Iα | - | estimation of exposure due to the radon gas emanation from building materials, calculated from activity concentration measurements of the material |
Activity utilization index | AUI | - | estimation of total dose rates in air from naturally occurring radionuclides in building materials, calculated from activity concentration measurements of the material |
Radium equivalent activity | Raeq | Bq/kg | expression of the specific activities of 226Ra, 232Th, and 40K by a single quantity, which takes into account the radiation hazards associated with radon and its progeny |
Internal hazard index | Hin | - | index to control the hazard due to inhalation of alpha particles emitted from the short-lived radionuclides in buildings |
External hazard index | Hex | - | obtained from Raeq expression through the supposition that its maximum value allowed (equal to unity) corresponds to the upper limit of Raeq (370 Bq/kg) |
Indoor external dose | Din | the total absorbed gamma dose rate indoors at 1 m above the ground | |
Outdoor external dose | Dout | the total absorbed gamma dose rate outdoors at 1 m above the ground | |
Indoor effective dose | Ein | annual dose indoors considering the conversion factor for environmental exposure to gamma rays | |
Outdoor effective dose | Eout | annual dose outdoors considering the conversion factor for environmental exposure to gamma rays | |
Excess lifetime cancer risk | ELCR | - | estimation of the potential of cancer development over a lifetime, caused by irradiation from building materials |
Effective dose rate to different body organs | Dorgan | the mean energy absorbed per unit mass averaged over the entire tissue or organ | |
Annual gonadal dose equivalent | AGDE | µSv/y | evaluation fo the potential effects of the specific activities of 226Ra, 232Th, and 40K on certain important organs, such as reproductive organs (gonads), bone marrow, and bone cells |