Figure 4.
Pre-operative fast-and-frugal tree estimated with the ifan algorithm. POD—postoperative delirium, p(POD)—probability of POD a priori (base rate), p (no POD)—complement of p(POD), FFTi—fast-and-frugal tree construction using the ifan algorithm, CCI—Charlson Comorbidity Index, surgery site > 2—peripheral, ASA PS—physical status according to the American Society of Anesthesiologists, frailty <= 0—robust, frailty > 0—pre-frail/frail, mcu—mean cues used, pci—percent cues ignored, sens—sensitivity, spec—specificity, acc—unweighted accuracy, back—balanced accuracy (sensitivity + specificity)/2, BL—probable BL (the base rate of 75% that could be achieved by classifying all cases as negative), ROC—receiver operating characteristic (shows the performance of all compared trees using the same cue order numbered according to their resulting balanced accuracy (in the training set), each data point shows the false alarm rate (FAR) on the x-axis and sensitivity/hit rate (HR) on the y-axis), hi—hit, mi—miss, cr—correct rejection.