Figure 6.
Coordinated role of strigolactones (SLs) with different hormones in regulating plant functions. There are certain phenomena that SLs either retard or accelerate. It needs coordinated crosstalk of different hormones and involvement of various genes to accomplish the outcome. Sometimes SLs may stop the synthesis or signaling of one hormone while promoting the other. In this way, homeostasis is maintained in the plant system in normal and stressed conditions. CKs (Cytokinins); ABA (Abscisic acid); gibberellins (GAs, BRC1 (BRANCH 1); CKX9 (Cytokinin Dehydrogenase); NCED 9 (9); Cyc D (Cyclin D); CDK (Cyclin dependent kinase); PCNA (Proliferating cell nuclear antigen); PIN (PIN FORMED; transporter protein). Promotes