Table 3.
Information provided by TEM for polymer nanocomposites.
Matrix | Filler | Properties | Information Provided by TEM |
Ref |
Polyimide | SWCNT | Conductive and electrical properties | Degree of dispersion and size diameter (2–20 nm) | [105] |
Epoxy resin | ZrW2O8 nano-rods | Low coefficient thermal expansion and enhanced tensile properties | Degree of dispersion of filler | [106] |
Polyurethane | ABTA/AlN nanoparticles | Hydrophobicity and corrosion resistance against chloride | Degree of dispersion | [107] |
Polyimide | Ni tethered graphene | Magnetic responsive nanocomposites | Degree of alignment | [108] |
Polyaniline | Li0.35Zn0.3Fe2.35O4 nanoparticles | Enhanced microwave absorption | Degree of crystallinity, size and lattice spacing | [109] |