Table 1.
Overview of the state-of-the-art LiDAR sensor model working principles and validation approaches.
Authors | Model Type | Input of Model |
Output of Model |
Covered Effects |
Validation Approach |
Hanke et al. [23] | Ideal/low-fidelity | Object list | Object list | FoV and object occlusion | N/A |
Stolz & Nestlinger [24] | Ideal/low-fidelity | Object list | Object list | FoV and object occlusion | N/A |
Muckenhuber et al. [26] |
Phenomenological/ low-fidelity |
Object list | Object list | FoV, object class definition, occlusion, probability of false positive and false negative detections |
Simulation result |
Linnhoff et al. [27] |
Phenomenological/ low-fidelity |
Object list | Object list | Partial occlusion of objects, limitation of angular view, and decrease in the effective range due to atmospheric attenuation |
Simulation result comparison with ray tracing model at object level |
Hirsenkorn et al. [25] |
Phenomenological/ low-fidelity |
Object list | Object list | Ranging errors, latency, false-positive, and occlusion |
Simulation result |
Zhao et al. [28] | Phenomenological/ low-fidelity |
Object list | Object list or point clouds |
Occlusion, FoV and beam divergence |
Simulation result |
Li et al. [29] | Physical/ medium-fidelity |
Object list | Object list or point clouds |
Occlusion, FoV and beam divergence |
Simulation result |
Philipp et al. [31] | Physical/ medium-fidelity |
Ray-casting | Point clouds & object list |
Beam divergence, SNR, detection threshold, and material surface properties |
Qualitative compar- ison with real and re- ference measuremen- ts at the object list le- vel for one dynamic scenario |
Gschwandtner et al. [32] |
Physical/ medium-fidelity |
Ray-casting | Point clouds | Sensor noise, materials physical properties, and FSPL |
Simulation results |
Goodin et al. [33] | Physical/ medium-fidelity |
Ray-casting | Point clouds | Beam divergence and a Gaussian beam profile |
Simulation results |
Bechtold & Höfle [34] |
Physical/ medium-fidelity |
Ray-casting | Point clouds | Beam divergence, atmospheric attenuation, scanner efficiency, and material surface properties |
Simulation results |
Hanke et al. [35] | Physical/ medium-fidelity |
Ray-tracing | Point clouds | Beam divergence, material surface properties, detection threshold, noise effects, and atmospheric attenuation |
Qualitative comparis- on of synthetic and re- al data at point cloud level for one dynamic scenario |
Li et al. [29] | Physical/ medium-fidelity |
Ray-tracing | Point clouds | Beam divergence, power loss due to rain, fog, snow, and haze |
Simulation results for one static and one dy- namic scenario |
Zhao et al. [28] | Physical/ medium-fidelity |
Ray-tracing | Point clouds | False alarm due to the backscattering from water droplets |
Qualitative comparis- on with measurement |
CARLA [37] | Physical/ medium-fidelity |
Ray-casting | Point clouds | signal attenuation, noise the drop-off in number of point clouds loss due to external perturbations |
N/A |
CarMaker [20] | Physical/ medium-fidelity |
Ray-tracing | Point clouds | Noise, the drop-off in intensity, and the number of point clouds due to atmospheric attenuation |
N/A |
DYNA4 [38] | Physical/ medium-fidelity |
Ray-casting | Point clouds | Physical effects, the material surface reflectivity and ray angle of incidence |
N/A |
VTD [40] | Physical/ medium-fidelity |
Ray-tracing | Point clouds | Material properties | N/A |
AURELION [39] | Physical/ medium-fidelity |
Ray-tracing | Point clouds | Material surface reflectivity, sensor noise, atmospheric attenuation, and fast motion scan effect |
N/A |
Haider et al. (proposed model) |
Physical/ high-fidelity |
Ray-tracing | Time domain & point clouds |
Material surface reflectivity, beam divergence, FSPL daylight, daylight filter, internal reflection of detector saturation of detector from bright targets, detector shot noise and dark count rate, and detection threshold |
Qualitative comparison of simulation and real measurement at time do- main and point cloud level |