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. 2022 Oct 4;11(19):5870. doi: 10.3390/jcm11195870

Table 1.

Characteristics of the 79 people with inoperable lung cancer included in the study.

Variable n Value 1
Age, year 79 70.5 ± 11.1
Sex, female (%)/male (%) 79 29 (37%)/50 (63%)
BMI, kg·m−2 79 25.1 [22.0 to 30.5]
Employment status, n (%) 79
Disability 8 (10%)
Retired 46 (58%)
Part time 7 (9%)
Full time 11 (44%)
Homemaker 1 (1%)
Temporarily unemployed 6 (8%)
Smoking status, n (%) 79
Current smoker 19 (24%)
Ex-smoker 53 (67%)
Never smoked 7 (9%)
Smoking, pack·years 72 40 [25 to 62]
Type of cancer, n (%) 79
Non-small cell lung cancer
Adenocarcinoma 44 (56%)
Squamous cell carcinoma 24 (30%)
Large cell 2 (3%)
Adenosquamous carcinoma 1 (1.3%)
Small cell lung cancer 5 (6%)
Poorly differentiated carcinoma/unknown 1 (1.3%)/2 (2.6%)
NSCLC/SCLC stage, n (%) 79
Early (I to IIIA)/limited 32 (41%)
Advanced (IIIB to IV)/extensive 47 (59%)
ECOG status, n (%) 79
0 / 1 / 2 26 (33%)/40 (51%)/13 (17%)
COPD, n (%) 79
Yes 33 (42%)
No 41 (52%)
Unsure 5 (7%)
FEV1, L 63 1.9 ± 0.7
FEV1, %pred 63 72.6 ± 25.1
FVC, L 63 3.0 ± 1.0
FVC, %pred 63 85.3 ± 22.1
FEV1/FVC, % 63 63.1 ± 15.9
HRQoL 79
FACT-LCS (0 to 28) 20 ± 5
SF-36 PCS (0 to 100) 44 ± 11
SF-36 MCS (0 to 100) 41 ± 10
EORTC QLQ-C30-GH (0 to 100) 61 ± 23
Symptoms 79
Fatigue (FACIT-F) 38 ± 12
Dyspnoea (mMRC), n (%)
0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 17 (22%)/38 (48%)/16 (20%)/7 (9%)/1 (1%)
Comorbidities 79
SCQ Number of comorbidities 5 ± 4
SCQ Total score 10 ± 4
SCQ comorb. affecting activities 2 ± 1
Muscle force 78 **
Hand grip force, Nm 30 ± 9
Hand grip force, %pred 94 ± 24
Blood cell count 78 **
Neutrophils, ×109/L 7 ± 4
Platelets, ×109/L 312 ± 136
Lymphocytes, ×109/L 2 ± 1
NLR 3.2 [2.4 to 5.4]

1 Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation or median (interquartile range), unless otherwise stated. Lung function data (i.e., FEV1 and FVC) were only available in 63 participants. ** Not assessed for one participant who resided in a rural area in Western Australia and was not seen face-to face. Abbreviations: BMI: Body mass index; ECOG: Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; FACIT-F: Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy–fatigue subscale; FACT-LCS: Lung Cancer Subscale of the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy; FEV1: Forced expiratory volume in one second; FVC: Forced vital capacity; L: Litres; mMRC: Modified Medical Research Council dyspnoea scale; NLR: Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio; NSCLC: Non-small cell lung cancer; PA: Physical activity; SCLC: Small cell lung cancer; SCQ: Self-Administered Comorbidities Questionnaire; SF-36 MCS: Medical Outcomes Study Short Form 36–Mental Component Score; SF-36 PCS: Medical Outcomes Study Short-Form 36–Physical Component Score.