Antifungal activities of the isolated Bacillus velezensis RDA1 against four different strains of R. necatrix fungi KACC 40445, 40446, 40447, and 40168 in vitro. (a) A 5 mm fungus plug was inoculated into the center of the potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium and dual-culture plate assay. Plates a, b, c, and d are the controls for R. necatrix fungi KACC 40445, 40446, 40447, and 40168, respectively. Plates e, f, g, and h contain dual cultures of RDA1 and fungal pathogens. (b) Antifungal activities were measured based on the size of the zones of inhibition of the pathogenic fungi. Zones of inhibition were expressed as percentages. Vertical bars indicate ± standard deviation (n = 9). Different lowercase letters above each bar indicate significantly different means, as determined using Duncan’s multiple range tests.