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. 2022 Oct 3;13:1015585. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.1015585

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Cell Squeeze® platform generates Antigen Carriers (AC) which exhibit rapid in vivo uptake. (A) Schematic of Cell Squeeze® microfluidic platform for intracellular delivery of cargo to RBCs. (B) Unprocessed mouse RBCs and Ova-AF647 squeezed carriers (AC-Ova) with distinct SSClow and SSChi populations (from single cell gate). Left: flow plots (SSC-H vs. FSC-A). Right: Percent SSClow and SSChi populations. (C) Annexin V levels and Ova-AF647 delivery in unprocessed RBCs and AC-Ova. (D) Percent Ova-AF647 delivery to events in SSClow and SSChi populations. (E) Percent annexin V positive events in unprocessed RBC or carrier groups. (F) In vivo clearance kinetics of untouched RBCs and EC from n = 2 mice in PBS group and n = 3 mice in each unprocessed RBC and EC group. n = 2 independent studies. ****P < 0.0001, one-way ANOVA.