AAC | activating antigen carriers human RBCs squeeze processed with antigen and poly I:C adjuvant |
AAC-E7 | mouse RBCs squeeze processed with E7 HPV SLP antigen and poly I:C adjuvant |
AACHPV | human RBCs squeeze processed on the research scale with E6 and E7 HPV SLP and poly I:C adjuvant |
AAC-Ova | mouse RBCs squeeze processed with ovalbumin antigen and poly I:C adjuvant |
AC | antigen carrier human RBCs squeeze processed with antigen (no adjuvant) |
AC-E7 | mouse RBCs squeeze processed with E7 HPV SLP antigen (no adjuvant) |
AC-Ova | mouse RBCs squeeze processed with ovalbumin antigen (no adjuvant) |
AF | Alexa Fluor |
APC | antigen presenting cell |
AT | adoptive transfer |
AU | arbitrary units |
CD | cluster of differentiation |
cDC1 | classical type 1 dendritic cell |
CFSE | carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester |
C-media | human RBCs squeeze processed with media (in the absence of antigen or adjuvant) |
CMV | cytomegalovirus |
C-poly I:C | human RBCs squeeze processed with poly I:C (no antigens) |
CTLA-4 | cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 |
DC | dendritic cell |
EC | empty carrier |
FAM | 5-carboxy-fluorescein |
FOV | field of view |
FSC | forward scatter |
gMFI | geometric mean fluorescence intensity |
HPV | human papilloma virus 16 |
ICS | intracellular cytokine staining |
IFN | interferon |
IL | interleukin |
MoDC | monocyte derived dendritic cell |
MOA | mechanism of action |
NOAEL | no-observed-adverse-effect level |
Ova | ovalbumin |
PBS | phosphate-buffered saline |
PBMC | Peripheral blood mononuclear cells |
PD-1 | programmed cell death protein 1 |
poly I:C | polyinosinic-polycytidylic |
PS | phosphatidylserine |
PSI | pound per square inch |
RES | reticuloendothelial system |
RBC | red blood cell |
ROI | region of interest |
RO | retro-orbital |
RPM | red pulp macrophages |
SLP | synthetic long peptide |
SQZ-AAC-HPV | human RBCs squeeze processed on the clinical scale with E6 and E7 HPV SLP and poly I:C adjuvan |
SSC | side scatter |
TGF | transforming growth factor |
TLR | toll-like receptor |