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. 2022 Oct 3;10:1016951. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2022.1016951



Depletion of CtIP or RAD52 and blunting of DNA-ends reduces SCAs in cells harboring DSB-clusters (A) Heat-map plots generated on the Orange software platform showing SCAs-frequencies of individual hamster chromosomes in the indicated clones. (B) Upper Panel: Western-blot analysis showing CtIP knock-down in the indicated clones; Lower Panel: QA of SCAs scored 24 h post-I-SceI transfection following CtIP depletion. (C) As in Figure 6B, Lower Panel, but for RAD52-depleted cells (D) QA of SCAs scored 24 h post I-SceI transfection following CtIP depletion, combined with RAD52 inhibition. RAD52i was administered immediately after transfection and was kept for 24 h. Results represent means and SD from at least three independent experiments; only two independent experiments are conducted for CtIP-depletion in combination with RAD52 inhibition. (E) SCAs scored 24 h post transfection with either the I-SceI expression vector alone, or together with the TREX-expression vector in CHO-2xS.D12 or CHO-2xS.R14 cells, in the presence or absence of DNA-PKcsi. At least 100 metaphases are scored per sample. Data represent means and standard deviations (±SD) from three independent experiments. (ns, no significance, p > 0.05); (*p ≤ 0.05); (**p ≤ 0.01); (***p ≤ 0.001); (****p ≤ 0.0001).