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. 2022 Oct 17;40(47):6849–6856. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2022.09.094

Table 2.

Demographics of the participants included in the analysis.

Pregnant women
Mothers of young children
Vaccine acceptance
Vaccine hesitancy
Vaccine acceptance
Vaccine hesitancy
Already Vaccinated (n = 218) Want to get vaccinated (n = 583) Want to “wait and see” (n = 702) Don’t want to get vaccinated (n = 136) Already Vaccinated (n = 1498) Want to get vaccinated (n = 2371) Want to “wait and see” (n = 1487) Don’t want to get vaccinated (n = 332)
Age (mean [SD]) 31.8(4.0) 31.7(4.4) 31.4(4.7) 31.0(4.4) 32.5(4.3) 32.4(4.3) 31.6(4.5) 31.8(4.5)
Education (n [%])
Junior high school graduate 3(1.38) 1(0.2) 7(1) 0(0) 1(0.07) 9(0.38) 14(1) 6(1.81)
High school 14(6.4) 82(14) 121(17.4) 23(16.9) 140(9.4) 331(14) 327(22.1) 78(23.5)
Vocational school graduate 36(16.5) 91(15.6) 129(18.5) 34(25) 306(21) 448(19) 280(18.9) 72(21.7)
Two-year college graduate 19(8.7) 61(10.5) 85(12.2) 13(9.6) 155(10.4) 305(12.9) 189(12.8) 43(13)
Bachelor’s degree 135(61.9) 325(55.8) 344(49.4) 60(44.1) 827(55.4) 201(50.8) 637(43) 127(38.3)
Master’s or doctoral degree 11(5.1) 23(4) 11(1.6) 6(4.4) 64(4.3) 71(3) 33(2.2) 6(1.8)
Job (n [%])
Officer 9(4.6) 6(1.3) 12(2.2) 5(4.9) 40(3.1) 50(2.72) 36(3.2) 9(3.5)
Self-employed 4(2.1) 15(3.2) 12(2.2) 3(3) 22(1.7) 49(2.7) 35(3.1) 13(5.1)
Full-time employment 128(65.6) 269(58.1) 290(53.9) 54(52.9) 885(68.0) 1033(56.1) 566(49.5) 108(42)
Temporary worker 4(2.1) 18(3.9) 10(1.9) 1(0.98) 21(1.6) 42(2.3) 29(2.5) 5(2)
Part-time employment 41(21) 93(20.1) 138(25.7) 21(20.6) 211(16.2) 328(17.8) 255(22.3) 61(23.9)
Student 0(0) 0(0) 1(0.19) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 2(0.8)
Housewife/ unemployed 9(4.6) 62(14) 73(13.6) 16(15.7) 119(9.2) 331(18) 217(19) 58(22.7)
Other 0(0) 0(0) 2(0.4) 2(2) 3(0.23) 7(0.38) 5(0.44) 0(0)
Household income (YEN) (n [%])
< 2million 3(1.4) 8(1.4) 14(2) 5(3.7) 10(0.7) 18(0.8) 24(1.6) 9(2.7)
2–4 million 6(2.8) 21(3.6) 31(4.4) 6(4.4) 47(3.1) 134(5.7) 130(8.7) 30(9)
4–6 million 21(9.6) 110(18.9) 121(17.2) 23(16.9) 193(12.9) 470(19.8) 315(21.8) 68(20.5)
6–8 million 36(16.5) 117(20.1) 147(20.9) 27(19.9) 317(21.2) 546(23) 283(19) 65(19.6)
8–10 million 40(18.4) 109(18.7) 111(15.8) 19(14) 289(19.3) 333(14.0) 196(13.2) 35(10.6)
greater than10 million 112(18.4) 218(37.4) 278(39.6) 56(41.2) 642(42.9) 870(36.7) 539(36.3) 125(37.7)
Infection prevention practices (n [%]) 3.46(0.38) 3.5(0.36) 3.45(0.42) 3.35 (0.57) 3.53(0.37) 3.5(0.38) 3.46(0.42) 3.28(0.57)
Healthy daily habits (n [%]) 3.52(0.51) 3.47(0.55) 3.45(0.56) 3.38(0.63) 3.41(0.62) 3.40(0.6) 3.33(0.67) 3.31(0.72)
Health literacy (n [%]) 3.72(0.66) 3.59(0.66) 3.49(0.68) 3.43(0.78) 3.57(0.73) 3.56(0.7) 3.45(0.71) 3.45(0.81)
VL (mean, [SD])
Functional VL 2.67 (0.71) 2.61(0.74) 2.57(0.74) 2.66(0.83) 2.62 (0.77) 2.78(0.64) 2.67(0.6) 2.53(0.62)
Interactive/critical VL 3.02(0.63) 2.82(0.61) 2.62(0.56) 2.66(0.63) 2.69 (0.62) 2.77(0.65) 2.67(0.59) 2.53(0.62)

VL, vaccine literacy.

SD, standard deviation; VL, vaccine literacy.