Fig. 4.
Intestinal overexpression of α-syn causes dysbiosis. a The total bacterial load in Drosophila intestines. Midgut cultivable bacterial load in 7- and 28-day-old adult flies. Bacterial load was determined by plating the homogenate of midguts diluted 1000 × onto LB agar plates. b–d The relative abundance of total bacteria (b), Proteobacteria (c) and Bacilli (d). Bacterial levels were assayed using qPCR of the 16S rRNA gene in the middle intestine 7 or 28 days after eclosion. e Proportional sequence assignments for the taxonomic units of intestinal bacteria. The legend shows color-coded assignments and taxonomic hierarchy. f Principal coordinate analysis (PCA) of unweighted, jack-knifed UniFrac distances of bacterial communities in fly intestines. PC1, principal coordinate 1; PC2, principal coordinate 2. Mean ± SEM; P-values were calculated using one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni multiple-comparison test. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001