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. 2022 Sep 15;12(10):e2747. doi: 10.1002/brb3.2747


The reliabilities (Cronbach's α) of variables under investigation in the Chinese and German samples

Chinese sample German sample
Domain/variable (n = 540) (n = 563)
AQ scores 0.669 0.762
AQ SS 0.703 0.735
AQ AS 0.278 0.472
AQ AD 0.470 0.586
AQ CO 0.555 0.584
AQ IM 0.400 0.463
Small AQ scores 0.558 0.725
AQ SS 0.705 0.762
AQ DP 0.494 0.581
AQ CM 0.537 0.508
s‐IAT 0.889 0.832
s‐IAT LoC/TM 0.828 0.781
s‐IAT C/SP 0.800 0.771

Abbreviations: AQ, the Adult Autism Spectrum Quotient; SS, social skills; AS, attention switching; AD, attention to details; CO, communication; IM, imagination; DP, details/pattern; CM, communication/mindreading; s‐IAT, the short Internet Addiction Test; LoC/TM, loss of control/time management; C/SP, craving/social problems.