Table 5. Effect of pH on germination traits of C. album.
pH | Mean germination time (MGT) (days) | Germination index (GI) | |
4 | 3.93abc (0.08) | 11.85a (0.10) | |
5 | 4.09a (0.01) | 11.87a (0.18) | |
6 | 3.85bc (0.02) | 12.42a (0.34) | |
7 | 3.76c (0.06) | 12.65a (0.20) | |
8 | 4.01ab (0.07) | 11.82a (0.34) | |
9 | 3.88bc (0.05) | 12.09a (0.52) | |
10 | 3.99ab (0.08) | 11.75a (0.67) | |
Source | D.F. | MGT | GI |
pH | 6 | 0.018* | 0.576 ns |
Note: All values are showed as mean (S.E.) (n = 8). Within a column for MGT and GI of each temperature, values followed by different letters are significantly different by least significant differences of Duncan’s new multiple range test. * means P < 0.05 and ns mean no significance.